First stop--ice skating in Central Park--one of the boys favorite activities of the whole trip.
Hey--someone had to sit out and sip hot cocoa!
Shake Shack after ice skating--who doesn't crave a milkshake in sub-freezing temperatures?? Look at the kids--they don't seem to mind. Mandi's twin girls Abbi and Emili--so cute!
We went to "The Museum" from "Night at the Museum" all the boys cared about was finding Dumb Dumb--well, we found him and were exhausted afterward. We'll have to go back just to have time to see more.
Drew and Claire--cute little "bed head" buddies!!
On our way to the Statue of Liberty--
Lets call this photo "Wind-whipped" It actually turned out to be a theme for our time in the city.
The boys on the Staten Island Ferry!
More "Wind-whipped". You get the idea!
Kole with Lady Liberty--we're obviously not pro's at wearing beanies--what can we say?
John is more...frugal shall we say than I am at times.. in all of our walking He suddelnly told us to stop for a picture. We had found ourselves smack dab in the middle of the financial district. Note: Wall St."sign. What the picture doesn't show is that I am at this point wearing John's shoes and he is wearing mine. It was my effort to convince him that a taxi was in order--he didn't look the Wall St. part let's just say.
The boys.
Mary Poppins on Broadway with Abbi and Emeli. They all loved the show. Trey was getting a little drowsy during the first half but his eyes popped wide open when the naked statues came alive and started dancing--hello people, this is a kids show!!!
Time Square with the girls--the pics a little blury but cute.
Try keeping track of 4 kids in this mess!! I loved it!
Taxi rides were one of the highlights for the boys.
Another highlight--I didn't bother telling the boys we have an M&M World in Vegas.
On our way to the "Top of the Rock" ( Rockefeller Center) Trey looking up--we were going pretty fast!
Top of the Rock--Amazing view, this photo (nor any that I took) doesn't do it justice.
Eatin some NY pizza on the curb in a parking garage after a long day--don't worry, we bought that curb with the $$ we spent on parking!
John building a snow man with no gloves--go John!!
Drew had to borrow most of his winter clothing from the girls.
Trey and Drew
The whole adorable gang!!
Thanks to the Peo's for a wonderful and memorable week!! We'll see you in DC!(ha ha)