Larsen Family 2012

Larsen Family 2012

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2nd trip to the cabin...

Our next trip to the cabin we were on a mission. About 3 years ago my parents took the whole family to Disneyland for a few days as a "pre-payment" for helping re-roof the cabin. We thought we were off the hook as the years passed one after another, but my parents didn't forget, they cashed in this last fall!! Dustin fell off the roof, and John fell as far as the scaffolding which "broke" his fall. No one got hurt and the new roof looks great thanks to the crew leader Corey(my cousin) and his expertise, that guy is up at dawn, back off the roof at mid day on the dot(for lunch of course), then works till dark. It was a great weekend with food, family and fun. John did get out of work on the 4th day, claimed he was sick. It only turned out to be the SWINE FLU..oh fine, I guess he can have the day (or 7) off.

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